Leamington Changelog

On this page, we attempt to record significant changes in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England

If you observe a change in Leamington which you think needs announcing, send it to me: john@hartnup.net

Friday, November 11, 2005

Dr & Herbs

In the olden days, people used to have to put little rolls of chemically treated celluloid into their cameras, then take the rolls to a shop, which would do some more chemical stuff, and produce photographs on paper, which you could only show people by actually transporting the pieces of paper to somewhere they could look at them.

One such shop was Supasnaps on Warwick Street.

Of course, there's no call for that kind of olde-worlde technology any more, so the shop has become an ultra-modern state of the art Chinese medicine shop, called Dr & Herbs


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