Leamington Changelog

On this page, we attempt to record significant changes in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England

If you observe a change in Leamington which you think needs announcing, send it to me: john@hartnup.net

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Breeze evolves

We'd barely got used to Leamingon Old Town nightclub Mirage (on Spencer St.) changing its name to Breeze Bar and Club (or BBC), and now it's closed for refurbishment, to reopen as Evolve.

The refurbished club -- due to reopen this week -- will have three rooms. I don't know yet where the extra space will come from.

From www.skiddle.com:

Evolve Nightclub Info:
Refurbished club, now expanded to three rooms, each with their own individual style. Ranging from mainstream chart music, 60's 70's & 80's retro, through to upfront dance music and stand up comedy and live acts, throughout the week.
Location is close to bus stops, taxi ranks and train station for easy access from out of town.
Capacity is approximately 800

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bye bye Buygones

Buygones on Clemens St has closed. There's no sign of reoccupation as yet.

Fishing tackle shop

On Clemens St., the former location of Headmasters hairdo shop (which has moved to a posher location opposite), which subsequently became a nailbar, is to reopen soon as a fishing tackle shop.