Leamington Changelog

On this page, we attempt to record significant changes in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England

If you observe a change in Leamington which you think needs announcing, send it to me: john@hartnup.net

Monday, January 30, 2006

Old Town cashpoint

Lloyds/TSB closed its Victoria Terrace branch a good long while ago, but continued to maintain a cashpoint (ATM, hole in the wall, magic brick, etc.) until quite recently. The subsequent absence of a proper cashpoint South of the river has been a nuisance ever since -- driving those in need of cash to the railway station or to the pricey ATMs in pubs and corner shops.

Your Leamington Changelog team is delighted to observe that a new cashpoint has appeared at the old Lloyds/TSB location. As of Sunday morning the machine was not turned on, and displayed no branding to reveal who owns it. We will keep you informed of any developments.

Update: It's up and running, and sports a Lloyds TSB decal.


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